
OMG Universe pigments

OMG pigments is a product made for creativity and skill improvement
Brand new pigments, that potentially change everything. What is the source of inspiration for creating these new pigments? Notions, ideas, possibilities and evolution.

lt is a pigment with a high density structure that guarantees extraordinary result with almost 0% color loss.
OMG pigments are highly valued by the clients and masters around the world
lnorganic ingredients and corrective components make it possibe to forget about undesired and unexpected colors. AII you are going to see is a flawless balance in color range.

Our main goal is to create innovative PMU product that allows you and your client to feel safe! You never know, until you try!

Special offers. OMG Bundles.

Bundle #1
Perfect set for the people with yellow undertone.
Regular price 180€
-03 Milky Way- A well-balanced warm light brown. Usually used to lighten Infinity. Appropriate for most Fitzpatrick III-V skin types.

-04 Infinity- A medium to dark chocolate brown color. Can be used pure, lightened with Milky Way or darkened with Galaxy. Use on Fitzpatrick III-V skin types.

-06 Galaxy- A dark brown color. Usually used to darken Infinity and Mercury. Good for Fitzpatrick IV-VI skin types.
-03 Milky Way- A well-balanced warm light brown. Usually used to lighten Infinity. Appropriate for most Fitzpatrick III-V skin types.

-04 Infinity- A medium to dark chocolate brown color. Can be used pure, lightened with Milky Way or darkened with Galaxy. Use on Fitzpatrick III-V skin types.

-06 Galaxy- A dark brown color. Usually used to darken Infinity and Mercury. Good for Fitzpatrick IV-VI skin types.
Bundle #2
Perfect set for the people with red undertone.
Regular price 180€
-02 Moon- A well-balanced taupe color. Usually used to lighten Mercury. Appropriate for most Fitzpatrick I-II skin types.

-05 Mercury- A medium to dark neutral brown color. Can be used pure, lightened with Moon or darkened with Galaxy. Use on Fitzpatrick I-II or VI skin types.

-06 Galaxy- A dark brown color. Usually used to darken Infinity and Mercury. Good for Fitzpatrick IV-VI skin types.

-02 Moon- A well-balanced taupe color. Usually used to lighten Mercury. Appropriate for most Fitzpatrick I-II skin types.

-05 Mercury- A medium to dark neutral brown color. Can be used pure, lightened with Moon or darkened with Galaxy. Use on Fitzpatrick I-II or VI skin types.

-06 Galaxy- A dark brown color. Usually used to darken Infinity and Mercury. Good for Fitzpatrick IV-VI skin types.

Bundle #3
A full set of four OMG pigments for eyebrows.
Regular price 300€
-02 Moon- A well-balanced taupe color. Usually used to lighten Mercury. Appropriate for most Fitzpatrick I-II skin types.

-03 Milky Way- A well-balanced warm light brown. Usually used to lighten Infinity. Appropriate for most Fitzpatrick III-V skin types.

-04 Infinity- A medium to dark chocolate brown color. Can be used pure, lightened with Milky Way or darkened with Galaxy. Use on Fitzpatrick III-V skin types.

-05 Mercury- A medium to dark neutral brown color. Can be used pure, lightened with Moon or darkened with Galaxy. Use on Fitzpatrick I-II or VI skin types.

-06 Galaxy- A dark brown color. Usually used to darken Infinity and Mercury. Good for Fitzpatrick IV-VI skin types.
-02 Moon- A well-balanced taupe color. Usually used to lighten Mercury. Appropriate for most Fitzpatrick I-II skin types. -03 Milky Way- A well-balanced warm light brown. Usually used to lighten Infinity. Appropriate for most Fitzpatrick III-V skin types. -04 Infinity- A medium to dark chocolate brown color. Can be used pure, lightened with Milky Way or darkened with Galaxy. Use on Fitzpatrick III-V skin types. -05 Mercury- A medium to dark neutral brown color. Can be used pure, lightened with Moon or darkened with Galaxy. Use on Fitzpatrick I-II or VI skin types. -06 Galaxy- A dark brown color. Usually used to darken Infinity and Mercury. Good for Fitzpatrick IV-VI skin types.
Bundle #4
Perfect set for pure BLACK eyeliner with soft borders.
Regular price 180€
-07 Interstellar- A deep dark brown color without any carbon black, consists only of iron oxides. Usually used for shading on eyelids to achieve gradient.

-000 Dark Matter- A carbon black eyeliner or eyelash enhancement color. Never use pure, but mix it half with Interstellar to get a rich black color. For shading on eyelids could be used softened black in proportion of 50/25/25 of Dark Matter/Interstellar/Sun Flash.

-11 Sun Flash- Perfect to cover cool blueish undesirable undertone or old blue PMU.

-07 Interstellar- A deep dark brown color without any carbon black, consists only of iron oxides. Usually used for shading on eyelids to achieve gradient.

-000 Dark Matter- A carbon black eyeliner or eyelash enhancement color. Never use pure, but mix it half with Interstellar to get a rich black color. For shading on eyelids could be used softened black in proportion of 50/25/25 of Dark Matter/Interstellar/Sun Flash.

-11 Sun Flash- Perfect to cover cool blueish undesirable undertone or old blue PMU.

Bundle #5
Pigments for lips. Set of 3 pigments.
Regular price 180€
-442 Proxima- A brownish-pink opaque lip color. Helps you to achieve the neutral lip color result. Not cool & not warm, but perfectly balanced.

-240 Universe- A cool semi-opaque pink lip color used to create a natural effect. The MUST HAVE color, that noble pink shade you are always trying to reach.

-244 Star Birth- Pink color. Suitable for ladies, who desires “tasty” lips. Color intensity depends on shading technique you choose. The more layers, the brighter color will appear.
-442 Proxima- A brownish-pink opaque lip color. Helps you to achieve the neutral lip color result. Not cool & not warm, but perfectly balanced.

-240 Universe- A cool semi-opaque pink lip color used to create a natural effect. The MUST HAVE color, that noble pink shade you are always trying to reach.

-244 Star Birth- Pink color. Suitable for ladies, who desires “tasty” lips. Color intensity depends on shading technique you choose. The more layers, the brighter color will appear.
Cover-up pigments

11 Sun Flash

Perfect to cover cool blueish undesirable undertone or old blue PMU.

12 Saturn

Perfect to cover violet undesirable undertone or old greyish PMU.

13 UFO

Perfect to cover warm undesirable undertone or old redish PMU.
Eyebrow pigments

2 Moon

A well-balanced taupe color. Usually used to lighten Mercury. Appropriate for most Fitzpatrick I-II skin types.

3 Milky Way

A well-balanced warm light brown. Usually used to lighten Infinity. Appropriate for most Fitzpatrick III-V skin types.

4 Infinity

A medium to dark chocolate brown color. Can be used pure, lightened with Milky Way or darkened with Galaxy. Use on Fitzpatrick III-V skin types.

5 Mercury

A medium to dark neutral brown color. Can be used pure, lightened with Moon or darkened with Galaxy. Use on Fitzpatrick I-II or VI skin types.

6 Galaxy

A dark brown color. Usually used to darken Infinity and Mercury. Good for Fitzpatrick IV-VI skin types.
Tips for using brow pigments
Fitzpatrick scale & skin types
Celtic type

Eyes: blue
Hair: red, blond
Skin: pale white skin, freckles

Use pigments 5 + 2 in a 50/50 ratio or change the proportions towards a lighter shade, increasing the amount of 2
White Europeans type

Eyes: blue, green, greyv
Hair: from blond to medium brown
Skin: white skin

Use pigments 5 + 2 in a 50/50 ratio or change the proportions towards a darker shade, increasing the amount of 5
Dark Europeans type

Eyes: from grey to light brown
Hair: dark blond, dark brown
Skin: light brown skin

Use pigments 4 + 3 in a 50/50 ratio or change the proportions towards a darker shade, increasing the amount of 4
Mediterranean type
Asians, Indians, Caucasians

Eyes: dark
Hair: dark brown
Skin: moderate brown, olive skin

You can either use pure 4 or add a small amount of 6 in a ratio of 80/20 to achieve a darker effect
Middle East type
Creoles, Hispanic, Mulattoes

Eyes: dark
Hair: dark
Skin: dark brown skin

Use pigments 4 + 6 in a 50/50 ratio. Add 3 if you would like to soften the mix. If you would like to have a darker result, then change the proportions of 4 and 6 towards a darker shade, but in this case we recommend adding one drop of 1 (Sun Flash)
African type
Dark Africans, Indigenous Australians

Eyes: black
Hair: black
Skin: very dark skin

Use pigments 5 + 6 in a ratio of 50/50 adding a drop of 12 (Saturn)
Pigments for lips

204 Parhelion

A soft semi-opaque peachy lip color. A very light natural lip color. Blends perfectly with all other OMG lip pigments to get more gentle result.

244 Star Birth

Pink color. Suitable for ladies, who desires “tasty” lips. Color intensity depends on shading technique you choose. The more layers, the brighter color will appear.

240 Universe

A cool semi-opaque pink lip color used to create a natural effect. The must have color, that noble pink shade you are always trying to reach.

402 Eclipse

A bright raspberry pink lip color. Most common for color enhancement. Add to more natural appearing lip colors to increase opacity. Not recommended to use on its own.

442 Proxima

A brownish-pink opaque lip color. Helps you to achieve the neutral lip color result. Not cool & not warm, but perfectly balanced.

420 Blood Moon

A classy red lip color. Suitable for people with black skin, to cover up blue or violet shade lips.
Eyeliner pigments

7 Interstellar

A deep dark brown color without any carbon black, consists only of iron oxides. Usually used for shading on eyelids to achieve gradient.

000 Dark Matter

A carbon black eyeliner or eyelash enhancement color. Never use pure, but mix it half with Interstellar to get a rich black color.
Practice Skins
Realistic touch, these double sided practice skins contain a smooth surface and neat edges, can enhance the better skin tactility and bring you a realistic experience. Both sides of it can be used to practice. Extra soft, skin like color, texture very close to human skin.

Aavailable in two options: blank sheet or pre-printed (shapes & patterns)
A specially designed formula which fully corresponds to the product line of the OMG brand pigments in terms of chemical composition. A glycerine mix which is designed to dilute the pigments without losing a comfortable dense consistency.

By dripping a diluent into the pigment, you can:

– reduce the concentration of the pigment
– make the pigment more liquid
– dilute and moisten the dried pigment
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