
BASIC Course – online video – part 6

Part 6: Hygiene
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Aseptic – prevention of getting the pathogens into damaged skin layers. Permanent makeup treatment is associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin and requires us to follow the rules of asepsis. Following actions have to be done:
Instruments and materials sterilization; Treating the hands of the surgeon and the nurse; Following the rules and expedients during the treatment.

Basic rules for keeping asepticity of the treatment:

Before perforating the skin, the sterility of the area to be treated must be ensured. This condition is achieved by treating the surface with a skin antiseptic in accordance with the instructions for its use.
During the work, antiseptics should also be used to remove the pigment smeared over the skin, but only those intended for treating wounded surfaces and mucous membranes (mucous antiseptics).
Consumables, such as: needles, nozzles or entire hygiene modules used in a permanent makeup – should remain sterile during all the treatment.
For this purposes, the equipped manipula remains on a weight or is being placed on a sterile gauze pad in the intervals between the work. All of these supplies should stay in a pre-prepared sterile container during all the treament.
A very important condition for keeping the asepticity of a treatment: is touching the working area only with sterile cotton pads and swabs along with sterile needles and nozzles. Violation of this rule increases the risk of infectious-inflammatory process.
Antiseptic is a complex of therapeutic and prophylactic measures aimed at the destruction of microbes in the wound or the human body as a whole.
Antiseptics for permanent make-up are disinfectants intended for the destruction of harmful microorganisms dangerous for both the client and the master. During the treatment, a specialist contacts the visitors skin and is responsible for his health safety.

Damaged epidermis areas pose a threat to cross-infection with dangerous infections. In order to exclude these risks, the master should always use antiseptics for permanent makeup. This measure will protect you and your client against the accidental infections, viruses and bacteria pervasion.

The main requirement during the permanent makeup treatment is a mandatory use of the antiseptic on the surfaces of your and clients skin.
Disinfection is a complex of measures aimed at the destruction of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms on the external environment objects.
Preventive disinfection is carried out in order to prevent spreading of infectious diseases , physical and chemical remedies are being used for these purposes.

Physical remedies are:
– Mechanical – cleaning, wet cleaning, laundry, airing.
– Thermal and radiant – the use of high and low temperatures, irradiation with bactericidal rays

Chemical remedies are:
– Chemical antiseptics;
– chlorine-containing substances – bleach, hypochlorites, chloramines, etc .;iodine, bromine and remedies containing those
– oxidizers – potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, acetic and formic acids, etc .; alcohols, phenols, detergents, etc .;
– miramistin, chlorhexidine
Before the treatment and during the treatment:
After the treatment:
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